
2005 fall collections

For the fall collection in the same year, Betsey Johnson created a British pub as backdrop to her runway show. To present a British style, she used a lot check pattern. Colors used in this collection were more warmer and duller then them in previous spring collection, which made the show elegant and refined. Monochromatic color scheme, complementary color scheme and analogous color scheme were used in fall collection.

Color used in this collection: High chroma & constant value

Check pattern is used a lot

Monochromatic color scheme

Color used ot develop the monochromatic color scheme are in high chroma and constant value.

Proportion 80%; Black 20%

Proportion 40%
Proportion 60%

Analogous color scheme

Proportion 30% Proportion 70%

Proportion 15%

Proportion 25% Proportion 60%

Proportion 35%

Proportion 55%

Black: 10%

Proportion 25%

Proportion 75%

Complementory color scheme

Color used in this color scheme were somehow in nearly value that is not too high ro too low so that weaken the constrast of colors.

Proportion 85%
Proportion 15%

Proportion 55%

Proportion 45%
