Color used: High Value & High Chroma
Achromatic color schemeSame hue but with different values
Triad Color scheme
For the fall collection in the same year, the theme was "Rock", arounding which Betsey Johnson gave people a show of beatnik, freedom and sexy. Colors that Betsey used this time were in high chroma and constant value. Monochromatic and Achromatic color scheme were applied as usual. Complementary and Triad color scheme were also used to develop this collection. As for the color proportion, they were almost equal or one is around 80% of the whole in two-color cloths.
Color used: High chroma and constant value
Achromatic color scheme
For the fall collection in the same year, the theme was "Rock", arounding which Betsey Johnson gave people a show of beatnik, freedom and sexy. Colors that Betsey used this time were in high chroma and constant value. Monochromatic and Achromatic color scheme were applied as usual. Complementary and Triad color scheme were also used to develop this collection. As for the color proportion, they were almost equal or one is around 80% of the whole in two-color cloths.
Color used: High chroma and constant value