Color used: High chroma and high value
Achromatic color scheme
Monochromatic color scheme
(Different value and chroma of same hue)
Triad color scheme(Applied mainly for decorative parts)
(Blue, yellow and red equidistant from each other on the color wheel)
Complementary color scheme
Betsey Johnson showed a kaleidoscopic collection to the fall/winter of 2003. Just like a colorful kaleidoscope, chroma of hues applied in this collection were a little bit higher than them of spring collection's. Achromatic color scheme was used again. For monochromatic color scheme, Johnson used only one color for whole pieces and also different value and chroma of same hue to develop the color combination. A strong color contrast was presented by using complementary color scheme while cloths developed by analogous color scheme made people's eyes more comfortable.
Color used: High chroma and constant value
Achromatic color scheme
Monochromatic color scheme
(Different value and chroma of same hue)
Complementary color scheme
(Yellow and orange are next to each other on a color wheel)
(Green and Yellow green are next to each other on a color wheel)
Look back for the whole year's cloths, the proportion Johnson chose when combine the color was more or less equal to each other if there were more than one color used for each showing pieces.